The Samantha Clemens Show,
Part 1: Commentary on jobs
On the show:
First —
Paul Brandus, White House Bureau Chief and founder of the West Wing Report, will give us the latest about about the presidential race and the impact of the latest bad economic news on the campaigns. We’ll also touch on why Obama went to Colombia and whether he was successful.
Then —
Are women politicians in America oppressed or is American politics better left for the boys? The United States is currently tied for 79th in the world with liberal powerhouse Turkmenistan for percentage of women in national government. Who is number 1? Rwanda. Who’s number 3?
Sam commentary:
Audio coming soon…
Hope you can join us for
On the Samantha Clemens Show, Saturday morning from 10 to 11am, Samantha welcomes Chris Mooney to talk about his new book “The Republican Brain: The Science of Why They Deny the Science — and Reality”
From Amazon:
Best selling author Chris Mooney uses cutting-edge research to explain the psychology behind why today
Chris Faraone joined Samantha to talk about his new book “99 Nights with the 99%,” a compilation of Chris’ articles for The Boston Phoenix and other unpublished material he wrote as he traveled the country late last year from Occupation to Occupation.
The discussion ranged from the occupy movement to how down and dirty should liberals should get when arguing with conservatives to the Treyvon Martin shooting and ‘stand your ground’ laws in Florida and proposed bill here in
First half hour:
Can’t we all get along? Can’t liberals persuade conservatives with facts, logic, the merit of our agreements? Can’t conservatives convince liberals of the superior morality of their position?
Well, according to Jonathan Haidt, psychologist at the University of Virginia and author of “The Righteous Mind: Why Good People are Divided by Politics and Religion,” we will never persuade each other because our believes are intuitive and irrational…
Joshua Rothman is columnist for the Boston Globe’s Sunday Ideas section who had a chance to catch up with Haidt on his book tour.
Second half hour:
New Hampshire State Rep Seth Cohn says he’ll introduce a bill to bar left-handed people from marrying each other.
In a tongue-in-cheek proposal to a gay marriage repeal bill, Rep. Cohn plans to offer the ban-on-lefty marriages amendment Wednesday, when the gay marriage repeal bill is debated. LOVE IT!
Seth will tell us all about it!
Call in: 617 237 1234!
Photo: (Greg Klee/Globe Staff)
In case you missed the show:
Part 1: Samantha commentary on education 2012-03-10-samantha-clemens-p1.mp3
Part 2: James Burnett, Boston Globe 2012-03-10-samantha-clemens-p2-james-burnett-globe.mp3
Do American Schools need help? (yes)
Is college for snobs? (No)
Should all who want higher education have the opportunity to advance themselves? (yes)
Do Republicans want an educated populace? (Apparently not)
Join Samantha this Saturday, March 10, 2012 as she discusses the Republicans’ war on education.
“But what about people like Mr. Romney? Don