Nov 28: Puritans Fasting and Losing 100+lbs While Eating Well
Nov 28th, 2009 by Sam

November 27, 2009

Eating and Fasting

Did you know that the Puritans used to FAST before and after the big holiday meal we call Thanksgiving Day? Yes. Fast. Before AND after. (What a bunch of party poopers they were, huh?) Plus, they seem to have regularly burned a few more carbs in a day than we do, for some reason. (Can’t imagine why – they DID have the wheel, so how much hard work was there then, really?)


Jerry is a former airline pilot whose weight crept up after he retired – here’s how he gained the weight in the first place, how he lost it, and what changes we can make in our lives to help us all eat well and remain at the weight that is best for us.

Okay, okay.

Ready for higher interest rates? Lock in that 30 year mortgage now!
Nov 25th, 2009 by Sam

Wave of Debt Payments Facing U.S. Government


Nov 21: Unemployment, Palin on sexism
Nov 21st, 2009 by Sam

  • Have you been without a job? Do you know someone who has been?
  • Palin
The double standard! Senate candidate poses nude
Nov 17th, 2009 by Sam

Yes indeedy…GOP candidate for Ted Kennedy’s seat posed nude for Cosmopolitan magazine about 20 years ago.

Nov 21: Unemployment, Palin’s flipflop on sexism, Mammograms
Nov 17th, 2009 by Sam

Here’s what’s on my mind….

Have you been without a job? Do you know someone who has been?

Sarah Palin – what does she mean for the Republican party? She is upset about the Newsweek cover, says it’s sexist.

Case studies comparing House and Senate healthcare bills
Nov 17th, 2009 by Sam

from the NYT

Nov 14: Stupak amendment & coming out of the closet on abortion
Nov 14th, 2009 by Sam

  • Are you kidding me?? No coverage for abortions in the healthcare exchange??? Really??? We
Nov 7: Fort Hood massacre; “Good To Be God”, by Tibor Fischer
Nov 7th, 2009 by Sam

Segment 1

Fort Hood massacre. Florida massacre. The Dr. Tiller killing. Terrorism? Alienation? Religious? Hopelessness? What do they have in common? What is different? With unemployment is such bad shape, will there be more of these?

Segment 2

What does it mean to be good? And, should it be encouraged? Or, does that make it a career move, something you do like file your taxes or wash your hands in a public restroom? British novelist Tibor Fischer talks about his new novel

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