Jan 2: Replay – Climate Change Consensus and the Skeptics
Dec 27th, 2009 by Sam

Replay of December 12th broadcast:

Dec 26: A country’s social health is tied to economic equality
Dec 19th, 2009 by Sam

Segment 1

The Importance of Economic Equality:

What if there was a way to raise a population’s life expectancy and reduce its rates of crime, suicide, teenage pregnancy and mental illness, among other social problems? British epidemiologists Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett believe they have found one. In The Spirit Level: Why Greater Equality Makes Societies Stronger, published in the U.S. on Dec. 22, they present data suggesting that almost every indicator of social health in wealthy societies is related to its level of economic equality. (See the data here). Comparing statistics between developed economies and within the U.S., Wilkinson and Pickett argue GDP and overall wealth matter little to wealthy societies. Rather, it is the gap between the rich and poor that is telling. They spoke to TIME about what they believe are revolutionary findings.

Segment 2

Tom Clark; Director, Center for Naturalism

Explains what Naturalists celebrate during the holiday season, where they find meaning in life, and how they answer questions of ultimate concern.

Liberate Yourself and Enjoy the Holidays
Dec 19th, 2009 by Sam

Thoughts from

Dec 19: Healthcare – so NOW what??!! A doctor’s view
Dec 19th, 2009 by Sam

December 19, 2009

Segments 1 & 2: Single payer healthcare

Dr. Geoff Clark, retired medical doctor who practiced in New Hampshire for over 30 years, will tell us why he thinks “single payer” is still the best system for America. With feeling! And perhaps shed some light on why the American Medical Association is against it, what other things they’ve been against, and where the heck we go from here!

The following links were provided by Dr. Clark:

Worldwide statistics on health:

Infoplease – Health and Social Statistics

World Health Organization – Health Statistics and health information systems

Polls of doctors on Single Payer Healthcare that show broad support:

Western PA Coalition for Single-Payer Healthcare (numerous polls, including Kaiser Health, Time Magazine, Grove Insight Opinion Research, New York Times/CBS News)

New Hampshire Medical Society: Two thirds of New Hampshire physicians, including 81% of primary care clinicians, indicated they

Poll Reveals Trauma of Joblessness in U.S.
Dec 15th, 2009 by Sam

If you haven’t lived it you can’t imagine….

Poll Reveals Trauma of Joblessness in U.S.

More than half of the nation

Dec 12: Climate change consensus & the skeptics – what’s the problem??
Dec 12th, 2009 by Sam

December 12, 2009

Climate change

Outside the United States, the world is pretty much on board with the notion that the climate is changing in profound ways and that human activity is partially the cause. Within the United States however, there is a stubborn minority who believe it is all hype, or a natural occurrence, or a conspiracy by scientists, politicians, environmentalists and other overt and covert liberals. They reject the notion that there is a scientific consensus, they believe the insurance companies’ risk assessments with which they price their products are simply jumping on the bandwagon, and so forth. We look at the scientific consensus and what the skeptics have to say about them, and also pose few questions from a Green IQ test we stumbled upon.

We’re joined by Brenda Ekwurzel, Federal Climate Scientist, Union of Concerned Scientists.

The unlucky

We get an update on how things are going at the Somerville Homeless Coalition from Mark Alston-Follansbee, Executive Director.

Peer-reviewed science vs emails
Dec 11th, 2009 by Sam

From the Pew Center on Global Climate Change:

This Thanksgiving, I

Will Big Business Save the Earth?
Dec 6th, 2009 by Sam

Jared Diamond makes the case that some businesses have become among the world

Dec 5: The Senate Election: Filling Ted’s Shoes
Dec 5th, 2009 by Sam

December 5, 2009

US Senate Race for Ted Kennedy’s seat

Joining us:

David S Bernstein of the Boston Phoenix

Tony Schinella of


Bill Clinton speaks to New Hampshire Democrats

President Obama’s Afghanistan policies


US Senate race in Massachusetts…
Dec 4th, 2009 by Sam

How each Democratic candidate would govern.

Is it an old-boy network?

And this contribution by Alex Beam certainly ‘elevates’ the conversation by focusing on Martha Coakley’s attractiveness.

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