Apr 7: Chris Mooney on The Republican Brain
Apr 7th, 2012 by Sam

On the Samantha Clemens Show, Saturday morning from 10 to 11am, Samantha welcomes Chris Mooney to talk about his new book “The Republican Brain: The Science of Why They Deny the Science — and Reality”


From Amazon:

Best selling author Chris Mooney uses cutting-edge research to explain the psychology behind why today

Feb 4: Komen Caves and Football Games
Feb 4th, 2012 by Sam

Susan B. Komen for the Cure has caved to pressure from outside forces and has stopped funding Planned Parenthood.

May 7: Burkas, Bullies, and Babies – A Women’s Place
May 7th, 2011 by Sam

Happy Mother’s Day!


  • Hadear Kandil,
Jan 15: Right-wing attack speech – just entertainment?
Jan 15th, 2011 by Sam


Guest: David Bernstein, Boston Phoenix

So, why did liberals so quickly conclude that Loughner was a right-wing nut and the shooting was a political assassination?

Was it, perhaps, because there has been a series of such events in the last two years?

Is it because the right-wing media has grown ever more inflammatory?

Is it because the line between the right-wing media and right-wing politicians has blurred?

Is it because death threats against the President of the United States have significantly increased since Obama took office?

Is it because the metaphors used in political speech, especially by the right-wing, has evolved from sports to military and hunting?

Consider this (from Crooks and Liars):

…what’s equally undeniable is that it comes amid a gradually mounting litany of violence directed against “liberal” and government targets, effectively suggesting a fresh onset of domestic terrorism from the extremist American Right.

They go on to list a series of events, beginning with these:

Dec 4: Unemployment $$, top 2% $$, and Jonathan Swift
Dec 4th, 2010 by Sam


Hope you’ll be there for

Jul 31: Libs and Cons; Immigration and Morality
Jul 31st, 2010 by Sam


Newsflash!!! Libs and cons view immigration differently!!! We libs are certain that for us, it is a moral issue. Not only is it immoral to let people die of thirst in the desert, it is immoral to not provide healthcare, separate families, withhold a better living standard to people who just out of bad luck were born into a poorer country.

But, is it POSSIBLE that conservatives have their own moral view? That it isn’t just naked self-interest?

We’re going to look at some cutting edge research on the science of morality; studies that have been done globally on the moral intuitions of people and how that effects their stances on immigration and a whole lot of other things.

These guys got together to talk all about it…

Jonathan Haidt has a theory, the Moral Foundations Theory, where he proposes that liberals and conservatives view the world differently:

Moral Foundations Theory was created to understand why morality varies so much across cultures yet still shows so many similarities and recurrent themes. In brief, the theory proposes that five innate and universally available psychological systems are the foundations of

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