2010-08-21-samantha-clemens.Mp31 in 5 Americans believe Obama is a Muslim?? What is wrong with this country? If you oppose his policies, then fine. Oppose them. But this made-up stuff?
The Rev. Franklin Graham Says President Obama was ‘Born a Muslim’
“I think the president’s problem is that he was born a Muslim, his father was a Muslim. The seed of Islam is passed through the father like the seed of Judaism is passed through the mother. He was born a Muslim, his father gave him an Islamic name,”
Many people have persuasively argued over the past several years that Islamophobia weakens our security and threatens our values. The fact that
What’s on my mind…
What’s on your mind?
* or, why I adore Warren Buffet…
Five European states back burka ban
Do you think people should be legally obligated to show their faces?
More than half of voters in four other major European states back a push by France
On my mind….
Thoughts from
Fort Hood massacre. Florida massacre. The Dr. Tiller killing. Terrorism? Alienation? Religious? Hopelessness? What do they have in common? What is different? With unemployment is such bad shape, will there be more of these?
What does it mean to be good? And, should it be encouraged? Or, does that make it a career move, something you do like file your taxes or wash your hands in a public restroom? British novelist Tibor Fischer talks about his new novel
How many times do you have an encounter with someone that, while brief, stays with you and makes your life better?