Aug 21: 1/5 think Obama is Muslim?
Aug 20th, 2010 by Sam

2010-08-21-samantha-clemens.Mp31 in 5 Americans believe Obama is a Muslim?? What is wrong with this country? If you oppose his policies, then fine. Oppose them. But this made-up stuff?

The Rev. Franklin Graham Says President Obama was ‘Born a Muslim’

“I think the president’s problem is that he was born a Muslim, his father was a Muslim. The seed of Islam is passed through the father like the seed of Judaism is passed through the mother. He was born a Muslim, his father gave him an Islamic name,”

The Distorted Lens of Islamophobia
Aug 11th, 2010 by Sam

What if we saw Christianity through the same lens that distorts Islam?

Many people have persuasively argued over the past several years that Islamophobia weakens our security and threatens our values. The fact that

Mar 13: on the radio – AIG pay and Glenn Beck annointing himself
Mar 12th, 2010 by Sam

What’s on my mind…

  • Warren Buffet pay*, AIG pay, teachers’ pay, government employees on strike in Greece pay;
  • “Glenn Back annointing himself spokesperson for Christianity”, or, “Jim Wallis says social justice IS a religious issue”

What’s on your mind?

* or, why I adore Warren Buffet…


Should you be legally required to show your face?
Mar 2nd, 2010 by Sam

Five European states back burka ban

Do you think people should be legally obligated to show their faces?

More than half of voters in four other major European states back a push by France

Feb 20: Does walking away from a mortgage = ‘restructuring debt’?
Feb 19th, 2010 by Sam

On my mind….

  • Is it wrong for a corporation to ‘restructure’ (default) their debt?
Jan 9: Profiling, body scanners, & Wall Street pay
Jan 3rd, 2010 by Sam

  • Racial profiling of passengers on airlines:
Liberate Yourself and Enjoy the Holidays
Dec 19th, 2009 by Sam

Thoughts from

Nov 7: Fort Hood massacre; “Good To Be God”, by Tibor Fischer
Nov 7th, 2009 by Sam

Segment 1

Fort Hood massacre. Florida massacre. The Dr. Tiller killing. Terrorism? Alienation? Religious? Hopelessness? What do they have in common? What is different? With unemployment is such bad shape, will there be more of these?

Segment 2

What does it mean to be good? And, should it be encouraged? Or, does that make it a career move, something you do like file your taxes or wash your hands in a public restroom? British novelist Tibor Fischer talks about his new novel

Sherwin Wine – a brief encounter, a lasting impression
Jul 26th, 2007 by Sam

How many times do you have an encounter with someone that, while brief, stays with you and makes your life better?

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